Monday, January 10, 2011

The Coming Economic Armageddon by Dr. David Jeremiah

Sensationalism sells.  In the Christian book market, it is prophecy.
Jeremiah admits “...that Armageddon is still in the future...” (xi) Nonetheless, he is convinced our world is ripe for globalization, one world government and one world economy. He believes “this time is imminent” when “almost every person in planet Earth will be controlled through one diabolical economic system.” (156)
He sees the current spend and borrow system of the government as being predicted centuries ago by James (James 5:1-6) and is convinced it “figures prominently as a sign of the coming economic Armageddon.” (3)
He notes that some great financial crisis is needed to create the one world order. “Many believe that the 2008 financial meltdown was that crisis.” (47) He speculates the crisis was a “preplanned event designed to show the effectiveness of governmental intervention.” (83) He argues that “...the process of ever-increasing consolidation of power in the hands of fewer and fewer people is well under way.” (85) Jeremiah wonders if this is setting the stage for the Antichrist.
He speculates about the RFID chips, “that scanners can be imbedded in the ceilings, floors, and doorways of buildings in order to monitor the movements of people inside. … RFID chips can also be sewn into the seams of clothing so the wearer doesn't even know he is being subjected to monitoring. … Soon, anywhere you go, you will be tracked.” (132)

Jeremiah believes that the “Rapture could take place at any time” and “we could easily be within three to four years of the events we are discussing in this chapter.” (134)

People have been concerned about the rise of the Antichrist since Christ returned to heaven (see John's letters). I've read lots of book on prophecy. Many (such as Hal Lindsey) predicted immediate dire circumstances. But they've all proved fruitless.

Regardless of prophecy books going out of print because their predictions remained unfulfilled, sensationalism still sells.
Jeremiah is a pre-trib believer: “The Rapture of the church will precede the revelation of the Antichrist.” (106) So, if believers will be out of here anyway, what's all the fuss?

If I am so critical of current prophecy books, why do I read them? It is to take the authors to task. Here is an example from Jeremiah's book. While Jeremiah says Christians will be taken out before the Tribulation, he says, “But what about the 'birth pangs' Paul speaks of in Roman 8:22 that will lead up to that climactic period when governments make it increasingly harder for Christians to function faithfully without paying a price? We are already beginning to feel those pangs” (152) Have you read Rom. 8:22,23 lately? In the ESV it reads, “For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” Jeremiah has misrepresented those verses, and, no, we are not “beginning to feel those pangs”! Paul says they already were in existence when he wrote. Is it just me who thinks what Jeremiah has done here is not proper?
Here is another one. Jeremiah quotes Peter Ayliffe, chief executive of Visa in Europe, saying, “'Paying for goods with notes and coins could be consigned to history within five years...and some retailers could soon start surcharging customers if they choose to buy products with cash.'” (P.159, emphasis added.)) Check the footnote and you see this quotes comes from March of 2007, a couple of months shy of four years ago. Do you really see coins and paper money disappearing in the next year? Oh, that's right. He said it “could” happen...

Here is another problem. Jeremiah says Christ's rule during the millennium (one thousand years) will fulfill prophecies such as Isaiah 9:7 and Luke 1:33. Isaiah says the throne and kingdom would be “from this time forward, even forever,” and Luke also mentions that the rule will be “forever” and “of His kingdom there will be no end.” In my mind “forever” and “no end” are not the same as a thousand years! Such is the twisting of prophecy when it has got to be made to fit into an already designed scheme.
Jeremiah concludes his book by encouraging his readers to be actively caring for their financial resources to prepare for “the worst of any economic disaster that may come.” (247) Inventory your financial situation, minimize your debt, manage your money on biblical principles, and keep your hope in God.
 David Jeremiah has learned from prior disgraced prophecy writers and uses “could” and “may” frequently, allowing for his dire predictions to go unfulfilled. He does say this, however: “As we see things that are prophesied … beginning to take shape right now, we are made aware of the fact that surely the Lord's return is not far off.” (P. 164, emphasis added.)

This is January of 2011. If you're reading this in 2015 or 2020, be sure to write a footnote in the records of Christian prophetical writing adding David Jeremiah to the ever increasing number of authors who believe prophetic sensationalism sells.

FaithWords (Hachette Book Group), 263 pages.


  1. (Joan, I saw this on the web & am hoping for your reaction. Carol)


    by Louise Norman

    Quite some time ago I came across an article titled "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" by Dave MacPherson on the Powered by Christ Ministries site. Halfway down was a photo of Pastor David Jeremiah next to a statement claiming that his book "Escape the Coming Night," published in 1990, "massively plagiarized" Hal Lindsey's 1973 book "There's A New World Coming." Readers were also told to type in "Thieves' Marketing" on MSN and Google.
    I decided to examine those two books and eventually discovered incredible amounts of plagiarism in Jeremiah's book on at least 45 pages (MacPherson said he found it on 47 pages), most of it discovered in the last half. For example, there are 165 lines of text on pp. 202-206 in Jeremiah's "Escape," and more than half of these lines - 84 lines! - were clearly lifted from Lindsey's "New World" without giving Lindsey any credit.
    Speaking of plagiarism, let's compare the books in question:
    Lindsey (p. 256): "The...skill of the great Designer" has "gone into the making of these gowns. They are to be made of fine linen" which "symbolizes the righteous deeds done by the saints while they lived on earth."
    Jeremiah (p. 203): "The wedding gown will be made by the master Designer, and it symbolizes the righteous deeds done by the bride on earth...." " gown" is made of "fine linen...."
    Lindsey (p. 255): "...I believe that the friends of the Groom who will attend...include both the Old Testament saints and the Tribulation saints...."
    Jeremiah (p. 204): "I believe Israel...will be present, along with the saints who survive the Tribulation and the resurrected Old Testament saints...."
    Lindsey (pp. 259, 260): "Think of how many Old Testament prophets and how many millions of saints have longed to see the moment when Jesus would return to earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and establish His kingdom of justice, equity, and peace...."
    "It always amazed me that so many professing Christians and ministers doubt that Jesus Christ will literally, visibly, and personally come back to this earth."
    "The Prophet Zechariah predicted five hundred years before Christ was born that His foot would first touch the earth at the Mount of Olives...."
    Jeremiah (pp. 205, 206): "From Old Testament prophets to present-day believers, millions of saints have longed for the moment they could see Jesus return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to establish His kingdom of peace and justice...."
    "It is amazing to me that many teachers and pastors...doubt that Christ will return in person."
    "...the prophet Zechariah predicted (500 years before Christ was born) that His feet would stand on the Mount of Olives...."
    You have just seen a tiny fraction of the plagiarism in David Jeremiah's "Escape the Coming Night." Note that plagiarists often add, subtract, or change words (including the order of words in a sentence) in order to conceal their thievery.
    Incredibly, Jeremiah's "Notes" section in the back of his book lists many popular prophecy books of our time that are still being published, but for some strange (or not so strange) reason he doesn't list any of Hal Lindsey's books including the one I just featured!
    I wonder how many other commentaries on the book of Revelation have lines that should be stamped "STOLEN"!

  2. It is sad. I've read MacPherson. We're still waiting for the rapture Hal Lindsey predicted back in the 1970s. Sensationalism sells and, unfortunately, some Christian authors would rather "sell" than remain true. It pays to be a wise reader, even of Christian books.
