Monday, January 10, 2011

The Lightkeeper's Daughter by Colleen Coble

Katie is a telephone operator in Mercy Falls at the beginning of the twentieth century.  Her father, in dire financial straits, has arranged a marriage for her to a man with financial means.  But she is falling in love with Will, the new lightkeeper in town.  Can true love win out?  Will she be forced into a marriage she does not want to keep her parents alive and well?
Coble has crafted a good romance.  There are pirates and missing gold.  Smallpox invades the town.  There is a baby girl but the mother is missing.  Who has fathered the child is a mystery.  (Who it turns out to be surprised me!)
As Will and Katie try to find the pirates and recover the gold a secret from Katie's past might just ruin everything.  And the pirates will not hesitate to kill to preserve their ill gotten gain.
The main characters in Coble's book are Christians and they are portrayed well.  This is a nice light read. 
It is available from the Sno-Isle Library.

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