Friday, February 25, 2011

Diagnosis Death by Richard Mabry

The third and final book in the Prescription for Trouble series picks up where Code Blue left off. Cathy is pregnant and her doctor has recommended she needs to take time away from her practice for rest. Cathy welcomes Dr. Elena Gardner but soon finds that there are unanswered questions in Elena's past. Who pulled the life support when Elena's husband was in a coma? Elena cannot remember her actions during that time. And what about the patient who died under similar circumstances while under her care?
Cathy's husband Will sets out to help Elena find the truth about the suspicious deaths. But she has other troubles: midnight phones calls threatening her, a peeping Tom frightening her and a deputy sheriff that will not leave her alone.
As with the others in the series, Mabry has done a fine job creating a medical thriller.  While he clears up most of the loose ends, I felt the deputy sheriff's obsession with Elena was left unresolved. 

This book releases in April, 2011. I read an advanced reading egalley provided by the publisher, Abingdon Press, for the purpose of this review.

Abingdon Press, 288 pages.

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