Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jesus in the Present Tense by Warren Wiersbe

Wiersbe meditates on the “I Am” statements of Jesus. “[Jesus] is alive this very moment and offers us a satisfying spiritual life in the present tense.” (11) Our past may discourage us and the future may frighten us, but life in the present can be enriching and encouraging because Christ lives in us. (Gal. 2:20)
God revealed Himself to Moses as “I Am.” “The name conveys the concept of absolute being.” (20) Jesus made the same kind of statements. “In His I AM statements, Jesus not only tells us who He is, but He also tells us what He can do for us and what we can become through Him.” (25)
To the spiritually hungry, He is the Bread. To those in spiritual darkness, He is the Light. To those seeking entrance into the security of life in God's flock, He is the Door. He is the protecting and leading Shepherd. For those desiring to bear fruit, He is the Vine inviting us into union with Him. Readers are encouraged to trust in the I AM to be our sustenance when spiritually hungry and our light when in spiritual darkness.
Wiersbe draws on his decades of experience as a pastor and teacher to encourage readers to live in the present tense. “When we live in the present tense, we live by faith and are able to welcome each day from God's hand, knowing that He always plans the best for us.” (178) Expect each new day to be an adventure in faith. Abide in Jesus, the I AM.
The only aspect of the book I did not like was Wiersbe's speculation that Jesus quoted all of Psalm 22 (while on the cross), “even though His voice was unheard by the spectators.” (153) Nonetheless, this is a good book for devotional reading.

I received a copy of this book from The B & B Media Group, Inc., on behalf of the publisher, David C. Cook, for the purpose of this review.

David C. Cook, 188 pages.  Publisher information.

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