Wednesday, April 20, 2011

May Cooler Heads Prevail by Teri Dunnegan

Dixie is part of the crazy Tanner family. She had it all worked out by the time she was eight. She daydreamed she was adopted. Her real parents had fallen on hard times... However, her birth certificate said Tanner. No getting around it.
So when Uncle Rudd called about the murder and hiding the body and that it wasn't Aunt Connie who had killed the man who had jilted her at the altar forty years ago, well, Dr. Dixie J. Tanner, clinical psychologist, drove to her hometown to help “catch the killer.”
What a fun book to read. There are quirky characters, snappy dialogue, and a mystery thrown in.
Unfortunately, we will have no further great books from Teri as she passed away in 2006.

I received an egalley of this book from Barbour Publishing for the purpose of this review.

Barbour Publishing information on this book.

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