Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Reason Why by Mark Mittelberg

Have you ever had “spiritual vertigo,” that dizzy feeling you get when someone else's arguments knock you off your spiritual moorings? You wonder is you'll ever be sure again about what you believe.

Examining your beliefs can be unsettling. Mittelberg wants you to know there are reasons for belief. He has updated The Reason Why, written a century ago by Robert Laidlaw. Mittelberg read that book at a crucial time in his life and recognized its value. He presents the same important truths as the original book, mixing some of the original stories with his own.
Mittelberg starts with reasons for believing God exists. “...[T]he evidence for God is strong and getting stronger.” (27) He correctly identifies the reason people do not want to believe in God: accountability.
He then addresses the authority of the Bible, that humans are accountable to God, who Jesus is, and His role as the substitution payment for our sins.
In the final section of his book, Mittelberg shows how we can access forgiveness from God. He includes an opportunity for the reader to accept Jesus as savior.
This is not a scholarly work. It is short and has a rather “friendly” style to it. This book might work well to give to someone who has shown an initial interest in the reasons for Christian belief but it would merely be an introduction to the topic. One would need to follow up with more rigorous books on the topic.

I received a copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers for the purpose of this review.

Tyndale House, 127 pages.

Tyndale House product information

See more about Mark Mittelberg and choosing your faith:

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