Monday, June 18, 2012

Torn by Jud Wilhite

Have you ever felt like your world was being torn apart? Did you wonder where God was in that mess of life?
Jud proposes that the most important question we can ask at such a time is not Why? But Who? After that comes How?
Jud spends the first part of the book on our expectations of God and life from a biblical perspective. He shows that God is worthy of our trust. God is good and loves us.
He then looks at how to put life back together again. He gives practical suggestions in fighting for joy, showing forgiveness, and reclaiming hope.
No matter how much we want to trust in our own abilities, we must submit our situation to God and let Him take it. We move beyond the why questions to answering who with trust and faith. We must come to the point where we love God for who He is, not what He gives. Jud covers the importance of worship in our trials and surrendering our pain and our questions to God. He then gives some practical ways to face the challenges and move forward, including those in community and in solitude. He also helps us in waiting, in having hope and finding comfort. He relates a number of stories, including that of Job from the Bible.
He reminds us to check our assumptions about God and suffering. Bad assumptions yield wrong conclusions. He has great encouragement and practical ideas for the battle of depression. He also reminds us of the importance of forgiveness.
A good study guide is included that could be used by an individual or a group.
“The security we have in our darkest times comes not only from knowing that God is in control but also from knowing that God loves us.” (68)

Jud Wilhite is the senior pastor of Central Christian Church in Las Vegas. More than nineteen thousand people attend its multiple campuses. He is the author of several books. Jud, his wife, children and a slobbery bulldog live in Las Vegas.

Multnomah, 210 pages.  Publisher's product page.
Please visit your local Christian bookstore to buy this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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