Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Work of Christ by R. C. Sproul

R. C. reminds us that there is much more to the word of Christ than dying on the cross. That would have only paid for our sins and left us at level ground. We have righteousness to bring to God only because of the life Jesus lived.
R. C. shows that the work of Jesus began long before His birth. It began in eternity past with the covenant of redemption among the Godhead. Jesus' baptism identified Him as the Messiah, proclaiming Him to be the Lamb of God. His baptism fulfilled all righteousness and R. C. spends quit a bit of time on that subject.
He continues with the temptation, accomplishing what Adam failed to do, and the transfiguration revealing His true glory. He continues with the significance of the triumphal entry, Passover, and the crucifixion, the apex of Christ's redemptive work.
R. C. also covers the resurrection, ascension and His return.
The righteousness we receive from Jesus would not be possible had not Jesus kept the law. “The bottom line is that Jesus' life of perfect obedience was just as necessary for our salvation as His perfect atonement on the cross.” (76)

The most important content of this book is the material at the end of each chapter. There is a study guide with learning objectives, quotations, an outline of the chapter, a Bible study, a discussion guide, an application section, and suggested reading for further study.
This is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to make a brief study of the life of Christ. All of the materials needed by teachers and small group leaders is right there.

David C. Cook, 220 pages. Go here for the publisher's product page and to watch a video about the book.

R. C. Sproul is the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries, an international Christian education ministry based near Orlando, Florida. He also serves as senior minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew's, a Reformed congregation in Sanford, Florida, and as president of Reformed Bible College. He is the author of more than seventy books. He and his wife make their home in Longwood, Florida.

I received an complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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