Friday, June 15, 2012

Treasures of Healthy Living by Annette Reeder & Dr. Richard Couey

Do you want to live a healthy lifestyle? We are to honor God and one way to do that is through healthy living.
Several years ago Annette wanted to provide her family with better meals. Over the years God has placed strategic people in her life. She was taught how to search the Scriptures with a focus on health. Once the Bible formed the foundation, the food and nutrition aspects fell into place.
She started making changes in her family's diet. The food tasted great and health started returning to her family. Since changing their diet in 2003, Annette and her husband have come off all their prescriptions, lowered triglycerides from over 900 to 140, lowered cholesterol from 300 to 160, and lowered their blood pressure to normal.

This book is a twelve week Bible study for people desiring biblical answers to healthy living. Each week day has a reading assignment and Scriptures to review. Plenty of space is given for recording thoughts. Fridays are “foodie” days with creative and practical ideas to spice up your healthy eating.
You will discover how God designed the body to glorify Him. Scriptures and scientific studies are provided to encourage you to make healthier choices. You will find out which foods to purchase and how to prepare them. Theirs is a balanced approach, with understanding God's Word, applying scientific studies, and preparing satisfying meals.
Included are the basics of nutrition, information on the harmful effects of some altered foods, and healthy alternatives to unwholesome foods. You will also learn how diet, exercise and your spiritual life go hand in hand.

Companion products include a Nutrition Manual, a Cookbook, and DVDs and CDs. These additional products would allow for a more in depth study in a group setting.

Annette Reeder is a Biblical Nutrition Consultant. She is a graduate of Liberty University and Huntington College health Sciences and the founder of Designed healthy Living, a nutrition consulting ministry.
Dr. Richard Couey is Professor Emeritus of Health Sciences at Baylor University.  

You can find this book at your local Christian bookstore or through and

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Glass Road P. R. for the purpose of this review.

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