Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Romanov Conspiracy by Glenn Meade

Mystery has surrounded the disappearance of the Romanovs in July of 1918. The last Russian Czar and his family were executed in the city of Ekaterinburg but details are lacking. While some bones have been found, none have been identified with the daughter Anastasia.
Glenn Meade has woven an exciting story surrounding an attempt at rescuing the Romanov family. He begins in the present day when an American forensic archaeologist makes a find near Ekaterinburg. A nearly perfectly preserved body of a woman is found in the permafrost, right where the mysterious Michael Yakov had predicted.
As the archaeologist questions Yakov, he tells the story of the attempt to save the Romanovs and the action moves back to 1918. The Czar has abdicated the throne. He and his family are being held in captivity as the Red Army knows their immediate execution would cause turmoil. In the meantime, a plan is being developed by an American to rescue the Romanovs.

Meade's book is a sweeping novel of revolutionary Russia of 1918. We are introduced to the violent officers of the Red Army. We experience the hate and fear the revolutionaries generated. And the death. The godless revolutionaries murder who they will. Yet there are those who would save what is decent and good by working undercover.

There is lots of violence in this novel as this was a violent time. If a bullet to the forehead is not something you'd like to read about, this novel may be too violent for you. Also, there is extramarital sex as part of the story. While there is no graphic descriptions or anything like that, I found it was included with no moral comment on it.

There is nothing particularly “Christian” about this novel. None of the characters are Christians, except perhaps the Russian nuns. There is certainly no gospel message or anything like that. It is well written historical fiction about a very turbulent time in Russia's history.

Find out more about Glenn Meade and his books at

Howard Books (a division of Simon & Schuster), 528 pages.

I received a complimentary galley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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