Monday, August 6, 2012

God Knows Your Name by Catherine Campbell

Do you sometimes feel like God doesn't even know you exist, let alone know what you are going through? Do you think the Bible is irrelevant to the trials you are experiencing?
Catherine wants you to know that in a world filled with rejection, “we are known to the God who created us and who gave up his Son to die for us on Calvary.” (12) She writes of God's personal love for us in three ways. She shares her own story, the stories of others, and stories from the bible.
Catherine knows of God's love through her own experience. Their first child was born with a genetic disorder that left her severely disabled. She could not understand how that could be part of God's plan for her life. Then Isaiah 43:1 deeply impacted her life. She has since discovered that God desires to know personally those who feel unloved and rejected.
She shares true stories of people who have seen God's love transform their lives. Some are stories from foreign mission fields. Others could be the stories of your neighbors.
Catherine relates stories from the Bible in an amazing way. She chose stories of those whose lives were in shambles. People who were rejected and were full of heartache. She retells the stories with great insight, adding fictional details that set the stage. I have certainly read the story of the woman with the issue of blood many times (Mark 5:21-34). Catherine has brought the story alive, including all the possible cures the woman tried, the actions of her husband and mother-in-law.

What an encouraging book, revealing the unchanging love and grace of God for the broken. Catherine did extensive research so that her biblical stories have been carefully re-imagined according to the religion and culture of the day. The results are stories that come alive with great impact.
And the stories she tells of contemporary people have been written with respect and care. Each one is very inspiring.

Do you wonder if God even knows you exist? Read this book and be reminded that God does know you. He loves you. He knows you by name.

Go here to read an excerpt of the book.

Catherine Campbell is a nurse, midwife, writer and inspirational speaker, living in Coleraine, Northern Ireland. Check out her website at for podcasts and other information. Watch a profile video here. You can also follow her on her Facebook page.

Monarch Books, distributed in the U. S. by Kregel Publications, 220 pages.
Publisher's product page.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications for the purpose of this review.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Joan for reading my book 'God Knows Your Name'. Your review was very encouraging and I am glad you found it inspiring. That's what an author loves to hear - that her work has touched a heart for the Lord. It's all about Him... His love for us as individuals and His amazing response to our pain. I'd love to meet up with your viewers on or facebook. God bless you, Catherine
