Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tidewater Inn by Colleen Coble

Libby and Nicole are in the business of restoring historical buildings along the east coast. While Libby looks at one possible project, she sends Nicole to Hope Beach to begin work on another project. But Nicole finds more than a restoration project on the island in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Nicole arranged for Libby to watch her on a beach cam as they talk on the phone. But to Libby's horror, she watches as two men kidnap Nicole.
That is just the first of many mysteries Libby encounters as she arrives on Hope Island. She is surprised to find that she has inherited a large inn from the father she thought was long dead. She also has siblings she didn't know existed. As Libby tries to find her kidnapped friend and understand her newly found family situation, she becomes a suspect in Nicole's kidnapping. Even when some of Nicole's clothing washes up on a beach, Libby refuses to believe her closest friend is dead.

This is another good novel from Coble. She develops a good mystery along with a supporting romance. You learn about life on the Outer Banks islands, especially one accessible only by boat. There is a strong theme of Christian character and growth as well as restoration of severed relationships. You get to experience a little history too as a cave on the island contains a pirate stash.
I felt there were some minor problems with the novel. Libby has a personal history that plays into this novel and I was surprised this was the first in a series. I thought there had been a previous novel setting the stage for this one. Also, there seemed to be a real disconnect between the character of Libby's father years ago and his character later in life. There was never any explanation for the change. Also, Coble created quite a red herring as to who arranged Nicole's kidnapping. I felt that red herring was a loose end not tied up at the novel's conclusion.

Nonetheless, this is a great summer read. I look forward to more in the series.

I am participating in a blog tour of this book.  You can read the reviews of others here.

Colleen Coble has won numerous awards and has nearly 2 million books in print. She is the CEO of American Christian Fiction Writers and is a member of Romance Writers of America. She lives with her husband in Indiana. Find out more about her at www.colleencoble.com.  

Thomas Nelson Publishers, 320 pages.
Please visit your local Christian bookstore to buy this book.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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