Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You're Stronger Than You Think by Dr. Les Parrott

We hope for a better future yet our strength fades when we actually get to living life. Parrott says two experiences keep us from living the life we long for: hope deferred and hope dashed. He has written this book to show us where and how to find the strength we're looking for.
He has divided the book into three parts. He writes that we can find power in our minds when we clear our heads and when we think expectantly. We can find strength in our hearts when we own our weaknesses and when we feel connected. We find power in our souls when we surrender our egos and when we take bold risks.
Parrott does not provide any easy steps. It all comes down to a matter of the will, I think. “Take the energy it takes to stay stuck in your suffering and use it to write a new chapter in your life.” (132)
At the end of the books he writes about passion. Living with passion is worth the risk. But passion does not just appear. It is an inside job, coming from a burning commitment.

There is nothing profoundly new in this book. Parrott draws from many sources, including behavioral studies. His premise is that each of us has more strength in us than we realize. He gives some practical ideas in finding and developing that strength. It still is a matter of the will, I think. He suggests getting some friends to help along the pathway to being a stronger person.

Just a note about additional resources for this book. To receive the full benefit of this book, one would need to complete an online Strength Profile, as a cost. There is also a workbook Parrott recommends, again, at an additional cost.  There are questions and other helps at the end of each section in the book.
Nonetheless, one can benefit from reading this book. You won't find any quick answers. You will find ways to get in touch with the power you didn't know you had.

You can read an excerpt from the book at
Watch a video about the book:

Dr. Les Parrott is a bestselling author of several books. He and his wife are the co-founders of the Center for Relationship Development on the campus of Seattle Pacific University. He and his wife live in Seattle with their two sons. Find out more at

Tyndale House Publishers, 189 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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