Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Undeniably Yours by Becky Wade

Meg's great-great-grandfather had struck oil in east Texas and that was the beginning of the Cole Oil empire. Rather than see the empire fracture, he had arranged that 51% of his company would always pass down to the eldest Cole child. Meg was an only child and now that her father had unexpectedly died, that 51% belonged to her. She began doing daily what she'd hoped she would never have to do, going to the Cole Oil offices in Dallas.

She didn't want to be in the oil business. Her father had said she could have ten years after college to pursue her own career, but then she would have to join the company. She had followed her dreams and become an assistant art museum director. But now her future was oil.

She would also have to take over running her father's ranch – all twelve hundred acres. When Meg begins going over the ranch accounts it becomes clear to her that her father's hobby of raising horses would have to go. That horse farm took up about a third of the ranch and had
been losing money.

She runs into a problem with the horses, however. Bo, the horse farm manager is a persuasive man. He talks her into giving him six months to make the horse farm pay. And, well...she feels a little tingle when she is by him. And worse, when she goes to the horse farm to check it out, she is shocked to find that the anxiety she has struggled with daily has temporarily vanished.

But there is much that would prevent Meg and Bo from getting together. Meg's family is sure Bo is out to get her money. After all, he is just a farm hand. And Meg's past haunts her. She had fallen for a man who truly did only want her money. Could she ever trust a man again?

This novel is pure romance. Boy meets girl and they fall for each other but there seem to be insurmountable obstacles they need to traverse. There is even a betrayal in there that is set to derail their relationship. Bo and Meg are both Christians and that is essential to their relationship.

What was missing in the novel was a learning experience. I love it when an author has done research about a topic and weaves it into the story. I was hoping to learn something about the oil industry or about ranching. But not so. I did miss that.

Watch the book trailer here.
I am taking part in a blog tour and you can see other reviews here.

Becky Wade is a graduate of Baylor University. She is the mother of three young children. She and her family live in Dallas, Texas. You can learn more about her at http://www.beckywade.com/.

Bethany House Publishers, 384 pages. Please visit your local Christian bookstore to purchase this book.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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