Monday, May 13, 2013

Wounds by Alton Gansky

I love a good police detective novel and this is a good one.

Carmen is a homicide detective with the San Diego Police Department. Twenty eight years ago she was planning on med school and becoming a doctor. But then her sister was murdered. That changed Carmen's life. She went into law enforcement and everyday she thought about getting the person who killed her sister.

It appears that a serial murder is plaguing the city. Horribly tortured men are left in unusual locations. One of the men was a student at a seminary. When Carmen interviews one of the professors, Dr. Poe, she has no idea the two of them are linked by the tragic death of her sister. Dr. Poe sees a possible connection between the gruesome murders and Carmen elicits his help. The suspense builds as the murderer sets his sights on Carmen.

This is a unique Christian murder mystery. At first I had a bit of trouble with the gruesomeness of the murders. Reading this book is not for the weak stomached. However, I was amazed when Poe made the spiritual connection as to why the victims were tortured as they were and why their bodies were placed in precise locations in the city. Then it all made sense. And I was amazed that there was a spiritual lesson about the gospel in a murder mystery.

So, the novel is a bit gruesome. But when you finish the book, you'll understand exactly why it had to be that way. Gansky has woven a unique and spiritually enlightening murder mystery. He's on my reading list for future novels for sure.

Alton Gansky is the Angel Award-winning, Christy Award-nominated author of more than three dozen books. He holds two degrees in Biblical Studies and lives with his wife in central California. Find out more at

B&H Books, 400 pages. Publisher's product page.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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