Saturday, August 3, 2013

How to Worship Jesus Christ by Joseph S. Carroll

The ultimate purpose of every created being, Carroll says, is to worship God and the Lamb. (83) I heartily agree. But the issue, I think, is how we do that the way God wants us to.

That is what Carroll addresses in this book. His exploration of worshiping Jesus begins when his prayer life was revolutionized. Instead of going through his prayer list, he quietly meditated on the fact he was in the presence of the Lamb of God and worshiped Him. He reminds us, the morning quiet time is only the beginning. We must walk in fellowship with the Lord all day.

Carroll helps us understand what true worship and why we are commanded to do it. Worship entails submission and desiring to live for the glory of Christ alone. We may come into his presence and sing songs, but true worship is heart worship. “...[W]e cannot worship unless there is total submission of our hearts.” (43) Using Abraham as an example, he shows how the submission starts with a surrendered intellect and is followed by surrendered affections and will.

He continues on, helping us understand prayer and worship, how to worship and how to prepare for worship. He advises the use of Psalms, hymns, books by Tozer and others, and poems. He covers the hindrances to prayer and worship.

Since this is a new edition of a book written in 1984, contemporary readers might have a little problem with the style. But reading this book is well worth the time and energy. Carroll invites us to a seriousness of prayer and worship we do not see today.

Food for thought from this book: “Why do people not worship God? Why do people not worship the Lamb? It is because they have never had a true vision of the Lamb or a true concept of God, for to know Him is to worship Him.” (81)

Joseph S. Carroll was the founder of the Evangelical Institute of Greenville South Carolina and served as Pastor and Senior Elder at the First Evangelical church in Greenville. He traveled extensively throughout the Far East speaking to mission societies.

Moody Publishers, 112 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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