Friday, August 2, 2013

Raising Respectful Children in a Disrespectful World by Jill Rigby

Life sure is different from when I was a kid. Kids are different too.

Now, it seems like parenting is all about building a child's self esteem. That might sound good, but Jill says that it is a violent storm blowing destructive winds through our society. It signals a culture gone awry, drowning in narcissism.

The goal of raising respectful children who become respectful adults has never been more difficult, Jill says. But the obstacles have never been more obvious.

This book shows how parents can recover effective parenting. She reveals the destructive character qualities that develop in children because of the emphasis on self esteem. She identifies the role of parents and the effectiveness of character-centered parenting. She covers the four stages of child development and helps you create a family survival plan. She shows how to coach your kids – realistically, with no false praise. She explores how to set necessary boundaries that do not become walls. She writes about how to discipline your kids, not punish them. She reveals the filth your kids are exposed to and gives ways to keep it from overtaking them. She gives suggestions for stimulating your kids' imagination instead of just entertaining them. She helps you develop an attitude of gratefulness in your children instead of greediness.

I think Jill has correctly identified the problem families face today. Intentional parenting, focusing on character, raising responsible adults, is a difficult task today. Jill helps parents by giving encouragement and suggesting really practical ideas that are age related.

Warning: parents, this means you will have to be involved in your children's lives. You may have to turn off your cell phone and the TV. You may have to give up some of your own social activities to be with your kids. But if you are really willing to tackle intentional parenting, this book is a good place to start.

This is an update of the book released in 2006. Jill has added several features including a Study Guide for individuals and small groups.

Jill Rigby Garner, character education and parenting expert, and nonprofit founder of Baton Rouge – based Manners of the Heart, is also a dynamic speaker, award-winning author, and the publisher of character education programs and books for students, educators, and parents. Find out more at

Howard Books, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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