Friday, November 1, 2013

Emotions by Charles F. Stanley

Since emotions can be so troubling, Stanley begins by helping us understand why God gave us emotions in the first place. They are a gift from God so we can enjoy life, interact meaningfully with others (including our Father) by sharing our innermost being, and mirror His likeness.

But our fallen emotions are not as God has designed. We might wish we did not have to experience unpleasant emotions but Stanley reminds us that without them we would not know our need for a Savior.

He addresses five emotions that hinder our joy and walk with the Lord: fear, rejection, bitterness, guilt, and despair. He identifies the roots of these negative emotions and then walks us through the components of healing. We need to experience new birth, examine our thoughts, exchange our thought patterns, exercise the power of prayer, and expect God's healing to begin immediately.

Stanley explores each of the five emotions in depth. He gives examples of those experiencing the emotion, possible origins of it, the effect it has on our well being and our spiritual life, and then walks us through the healing process. He also provides Scriptural evidence showing the truth so it can be used to counter the lies.

The healing process is something that is going to take time and work. Stanley has provided the tools but we will need to do the deep searching, the work of controlling thoughts and countering them with the Scriptures given.

Stanley points out early in his book that we cannot do this on our own. It is only by the power of God that our emotions can be healed and that means we must be in relationship with Him. He explains salvation and invites us to accept Jesus as Savior if we have not already.

If you are struggling with fear, rejection, bitterness, guilt or despair, and are willing to work along with God for your healing, this is a good book for you to read.

Dr. Charles F. Stanley is a bestselling author who has written more than fifty books. He has been the senior pastor of the First Baptist Church in Atlanta since 1971.

Howard Books, 304 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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