Saturday, November 2, 2013

Static Jedi by Eric Samuel Timm

We are surrounded by noise. Television, Internet, smart phones. We spend hours a day on noise. How much time do we spend on clarity, time devoted to things that change us, grow us, and draw us to be more like Christ?

Eric is concerned. “The noise is focused on eroding the soul,” he writes. (12) He wants each of us to become a Static Jedi – one who masters the noise.

He asks us to consider the time we spend on the noise and the reward we receive from it. Is it worth it? What if we got up early to pray, intentionally spent time with Jesus all day, and got back into the Bible? Would it be worth the reward? “We need to love Jesus more than the noise,” he argues. (43)

He gives us two foundation points to stand on: God is a being Who wants you to know Him personally, and He has no grandchildren (you must know Him yourself). Using the example of Jesus as the Static Master, Eric suggests five keys: rise early, withdraw, memorize God's Word, fast, and disciple. “The Static Master rose early, withdrew for prayer, knew the Word, fasted, and chose and nurtured disciples. Go and do the same.” (135)

Eric points out that becoming a Static Master is a never ending process but to kick start it he suggests a challenge. Stand on the two foundation stones and practice the five keys for a week. The goal is to live completely free of our noise (cell phone, Internet – anything with a battery). “Are we made of noise, or are we becoming more like Jesus?” he asks. (99)

Eric longs to see a movement of Christ followers, “rise above fast and easy microwave Christianity with a decompartmentalized, committed life that makes Jesus a part of every moment.” (144)

Teens and young adults would like this book, I think. Eric has an intense and choppy feel to his writing that would appeal to young people. He has included questions at the end of each chapter, some for personal reflection and others for group discussion. This would make a great study for a teen or career age discussion group.

I keep coming back to the question Eric asks, “Are we made of noise, or are we becoming more like Jesus?” Which are you?

Watch a challenging book trailer here.

Eric Samuel Timm is an author, artist and the founder of the ministry No One Underground and the nonprofit Painting Hope. He speaks and paints and is highly sought after for his ability to creatively present messages from God's Word in various environments. You can find out more about him and his ministry at,, and on various social media @ericsamueltimm.

Passio (Charisma House Book Group), 211 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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