Monday, November 11, 2013

Peril by Jordyn Redwood

This is the third in Redwood's Bloodline Trilogy and the action just keeps going.

We follow Morgan Adams, a charge nurse in a pediatrics ICU. It has only been three months since her baby died – the result of being shaken by the friend she trusted to care for her baby while she worked. Though she is a strong woman, working in a pediatric ICU is hard on her and she fights depression. Due to an illness during her pregnancy she is experiencing kidney failure and is on dialysis. When her parents are tested for a kidney transplant her world becomes even more fragile.

And then comes a Saturday at the hospital that turns into a day of terror. Military men who have been receiving grafts of neural cells have taken hostages, thinking their action will force the experimenting doctor to address the debilitating experiences they are now having. Morgan is right in the middle of it. Her relationship to God has not been all that great lately. Will it sustain her through this terrifying experience?

This is another great novel from Redwood. The action never stops. There are twists and turns that kept me turning pages. She is so good at describing the situations I felt like I was in the midst of the drama myself. The characters are well developed and very believable. She painted such a good picture of the doctor experimenting on brain cell grafts I couldn't stand him!

I love to learn about a topic when I read a novel and in this case I learned about the possibilities of engineering neural cells to abate the effects of some brain conditions like dementia. But where the doctor was getting the neural cells to engineer and then graft into the brain was shocking. I also learned about the brain, swelling, and what happens when it lacks oxygen. Morgan's husband in an organ transplant doctor and I also learned about anecdotal evidence for a transplant recipient acquiring the memories or other aspects of the organ donor. Redwood really knows her field as an ER nurse and does a great job of incorporating information into her novels.

Jordyn Redwood is a pediatric ER nurse by day and a suspense novelist by night. She hosts Redwood's Medical Edge, a blog devoted to helping contemporary and historical authors write medically accurate fiction. She and her family live in Colorado. You can find out more about her and her books at

Kregel Publications, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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