Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Wayfinding Bible by Tyndale House Publishers

Finding your way through the Bible can be a daunting task, especially if you're relatively new to the Bible. You will soon find that the way the books are listed in the Bible is not historical. And the books of prophecy – finding out where they fit in the scheme of the story can be difficult. You need a road map to help you on your journey.

Tyndale House, the publishers of the New Living Translation, have developed The Wayfinding Bible to help us navigate God's Word.

They have provided three paths through the Bible. In the Fly-Over Route, we cover the most important events of the Bible in 54 readings. They provide a chronological overview of how the events tell the story of God's redemption.
The Direct Route is composed of 215 readings and gives us a full perspective of the entire Bible and how it fits together. With the Scenic Route and its 386 readings, we wind through the well known and not so well known passages of Scripture, discovering a richness and depth in God's Word we may not have seen before.

When we come to the next stop in our Scripture journey there is an Introduction we read first. Then we read the Bible passage, and then an Observation Point and an Exploration Point. At the end is a clear indication of where we go for our next stop, depending on the journey we have chosen.

Along the way are several more features to help us understand God's Word. There are Book Introductions, helping us understand when the book was written, what it is about, etc. There are eight articles called Getting Your Bearings, helping us step back, review our journey so far, and where we're going next. There are Historical Markers drawing our attention to specific locations and the events that happened there. The Scenic Overlooks allow us to pause and catch the significance of locations providing insight into the history of the area. And with the twenty-five Side Trips, we see what the Bible says on various topics.

Watch the video below and then check out The Wayfinding Bible website to see more illustrations of the Bible and get church and small group resources so that you can use these plans in your church. You can even get free Scenic Overlook Posters!

I was really impressed with the Fly-Over Route. The illustrations, colorful maps, genealogy charts, photos, and boxes of information are great. Add to that the readability of the New Living Translation and you have a unique addition to the world of study Bibles. I highly recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy of this Bible from the publishers for the purpose of this review.

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