Monday, December 9, 2013

A Forest of Doors by L. A. Muse

This is an encouraging personal account of an abandoned child who finally found healing and restoration.

Lynnann's story reads like a nightmare. When she was five and six, her father was in Viet Nam and her mother brought home “uncles” who stayed the night. Sometimes her mother would be gone for days and Lynnann would have to take care of her four siblings. Sometimes the kids would have to stay in the car while their mother spent the evening in a bar.

Her father returned from Viet Nam but life was no better. There were fights and shortly he left. They moved to Maine and there was more of the same from her mother. Then her mother signed papers releasing three of the children to a children's home. About a year later their mother took them back for a while. But she left again and when the food and clean clothes ran out the social worker returned. Three of the five children would be adopted but Lynnann and "Sissy” were off to the children's home again.

Lynnann and Sissy were eventually taken in by a foster family, a Christian family. But Lynann's troubles were not over as she was molested by a man from her school. Although Lynnann became a Christian during this time, she she was unstable and ran away from her foster family.

She made her way to an uncle who connected her with her father in California. But life there was not good and poor choices haunted her. She got pregnant, went through two marriages, cut off all contact with her birth family, and made suicide attempts.

She finally turned to God and began her healing.

This is quite a story. Lynnann experienced repeated abandonment by her family and was molested as a teen. When she ultimately turned to God, people came alongside her, befriended her and helped her through her healing. It was encouraging to read how she reconnected with her birth siblings and pursued a productive life. This is a good book showing the strength of the human spirit and the faithfulness of God.

Go to the book website to read an excerpt, watch a book trailer, buy the book, and find out more about it and the author.

L. A. Muse devotes much of her time as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for children. She currently lives in Edmond, California.

Innovo Publishing, 97 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through the B&B Media Group for the purpose of this review.

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