Monday, December 9, 2013

The Advent of Murder by Martha Ockley

If you like British mysteries, you'll like this one.

Faith Morgan is a former policewoman, now the vicar at Little Worthy. It's the Advent season and Faith is busy managing the last details for the church's many activities. When she goes out to Oliver's farm to make final arrangements for “Joseph” in the church play, she is confronted with police cars. The body of a teen has been found. He's been murdered.

Despite Faith's duties during this busy time of the church year, she can't help but covertly investigate the case.

This is a great British mystery. It was fun to follow Faith around as she makes inquiries while she sees to the church's activities. I loved the quirky characters. Faith is not the strongest British heroine I've seen. She is a little weak in the relationship area – to quick to latch on to a potential boyfriend, I felt. But she makes a good vicar. She is supportive and comforting, showing God's love to her parishioners.

Martha Ockley lives in the North-East of England. She is a full-time writer of both fiction and nonfiction. The first book in this series is The Reluctant Detective.

Lion Fiction (Kregel Books), 256 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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