Friday, January 24, 2014

No One to Trust by Lynette Eason

What would you do if you found out the man you'd been married to for over a year is not who is said he was?

Thugs come to Summer's home looking for her husband David. They demand the laptop and flash drive he stole. David? Her husband was Kyle!

That is the beginning of this page turning suspenseful novel and nightmare for Summer and her husband. There is damaging video and written information that David has - information that will not only convict a mob boss but also incriminate a high up political official. Those men will stop at nothing to find David, including murder.

We find that David has been in the witness protection program. The mob wasn't looking for a married man so David married. Summer is crushed and angry. She has been betrayed once again. As the couple tries to stay alive they experience betrayal time and again.

Eason has created a novel with continuous suspense combined with intense character revelation. Throughout the novel David reveals who he really is, trying to win back the woman he genuinely loves. Christianity plays a vital part in both of them, David no longer being the man he once was.

This is a well crafted novel – a page turner. The plot is realistic. The suspense intense. The character development superb. I highly recommend this novel to suspense lovers.

Lynette Eason is an award-winning best-selling author of thirty-six books. She was a finalist for the ECPA Book Awards and is a member of ACFW and RWA. She has a master's degree in education from Converse College. She and her family live in Greenville, SC. Find out more about her and her books at

Revell, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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