Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Pleasure of His Company by Dutch Sheets

What if you were told the very God of the universe requests the pleasure of your company?

God is seeking those who have a heart for Him. Sheets explores what that means. It takes time and effort. It must be a priority. He uses the story of Mary and Martha to distinguish the pleasure of His company and the pressure of His company. He explains waiting on God, writes about creating a place to meet with God, explores what it means to walk with God, explains what friendship means, undistracted devotion, and how knowing God leads to knowing ourselves, to restoration and revelation.

Sheets tells a bit of his own story. His father was an evangelist and sheets was born again at a young age. But, he writes, “Being a born-again Christian doesn't equate to knowing God in a personal way.” (236) He knew who God was, he just did not know how to connect with God in a personal way and at any real depth. When things got tough he realized this faith did not sustain him. Using Jacob as an example, Sheets encourages us to seek a face-to-face relationship with our Father.

Sheets shares much needed insight into developing a personal relationship with the God Who created us. He explains that our hearts were created by God for the purpose of knowing and enjoying Him. Reading this book will help you fulfill your heart's desire. I highly recommend it.

Food for thought: “The pleasure of His company is readily available, but it's not cheap. It will cost you time and effort.”(263)

Dutch Sheets is a teacher, conference speaker, pastor and author, having written over 20 books. He is the Executive Director of Christ For The Nations Institute . He and his wife have to daughters and live in the Dallas area. Find out more at

Bethany House Publishers, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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