Wednesday, March 5, 2014

An Aria for Nick by Hallee Bridgeman

An Aria for Nick is another great novel from this author. While it is the second in a series (see my review of Song of Suspense), this novel easily stands alone.

Teen-aged Aria has a talent at the piano that assures her of a future to which few can aspire. Her other heart's desire is Nick, a fellow student, who ignores her or pushes her away every time their paths cross.

In truth, Nick is as attracted to Aria as she is to him. But he knows he's not worthy of her. Abandoned by his mother, mistreated by an alcoholic father, he knows he would never be a good husband or father. Wanting to escape his hated life, Nick joins the army right out of high school.

Aria is devastated when she receives notification that Nick has been killed in action. Life for Aria takes even a more devastating turn when at the funeral, Nick's father, in a drunken stupor, aggressively attacks Aria and breaks her wrist. Multiple surgeries do not return the wrist to full strength and Aria must take another career path.

Fast forward years. Aria is working for a high tech company and suspects nuclear espionage. She pursues making federal authorities aware of what she knows and her life takes a deadly turn.

I really liked this novel. The quality of the plot and its development are right up there with well known authors. There are enough twists and turns and surprises that my interest continued to the very end. The novel is well crafted with believable characters. Christianity is an essential part of the plot and the growth of the characters. A very good romantic suspense novel.

Hallee Bridgeman and her family live in a small town in Kentucky. When she is not writing she blogs about cooking and homemaking (

Olivia Kimbrell Press, 322 pages. You can buy a copy here.

I requested and received a complimentary egalley of this novel from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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