Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rich in Years by Johann Christoph Arnold

As a baby boomer, I really appreciated this book. It has given me much to think about in my retirement years.

Arnold has written this book as an encouragement to keep on going. He speaks from experience as he himself is well into his 70s. He notes that we who have reached old age have gained much knowledge from our experiences. We can be a source of wisdom, hope,and inspiration to others.

Growing older can be a gift,” he writes, “but only if we surrender ourselves to God's plan.” We can stop complaining about what we can't do anymore and find the new ways God is using us. He has included many inspiring stories of people doing fulfilling things in their latter years.

He helps us understand that having a sense of humor is essential to growing old well. He writes about dealing with physical disabilities, combating loneliness, and deciding whether this is a time to fulfill our own desires or whether it is an opportunity to give in ways not possible before. He has a thoughtful discussion on growing older and the role of doctors and medicine.

Part of getting old is planning to die well. Arnold writes about doing so in peace – confessing, forgiving. He reminds us that even in dying we can proclaim our faith and lead others to Jesus.

This is a thought provoking book for those of us entering into the golden years of life. Arnold encourages each of us to keep going as we follow God's plan for our lives.

Food for though: “Each morning when I wake up I am happy because I have been given another day to love and to serve.” (Emmy Arnold)

Johann Christoph Arnold is an award-winning author with over a million copies of his book in print. He is a senior pastor of the Bruderhof, a movement of Christian communities. He was born in Britain in 1940 to German refugees. He spent his boyhood years in South America and emigrated to the United States in 1955. He and his wife have eight children and 42 grandchildren and life in upstate New York. You can find out more about him and his books at the publisher's author page.

The Plough Publishing House, 168 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through handlebar for the purpose of this independent and honest review.

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