Sunday, August 24, 2014

Finding Faith in the Dark by Laurie short

We would like to have our life go as we planned – but it doesn't always happen that way. When life takes a turn we hadn't planned or when God doesn't answer our prayers the way we'd like, we wonder where God is in all of it.

Short encourages us not to give up on the story God is writing until He is finished with it. Even in the darkest part of our story, we find that God is right there. To illustrate that, she tells lots of stories. They could be depressing but the way they were lived out makes them encouraging stories of faith.

She also gives us many examples of biblical characters who have been in dark places, either through their own choices (Abraham, David) or because of what God was doing (Job, Moses, Elijah, Joseph, Jeremiah). They are reminders that God does not abandon us in dark times, even when the time is long and others mistreat us during it.

We are reminded to leave room for a call of God we may not have considered. God has a purpose and she helps us discover clues to finding out there is much more to what God is doing than what we can see.

It is important for readers to know that Short finally received her desire, through a long awaited gift of grace from God. That might be hard to take for those still in darkness. Nonetheless, it is a great example of God's continuing love.

Short writes, “If you've ever been somewhere in life you don't want to be, this book is for you.” I agree. This book will help you find what God has for you in that place. Reading the book may not change your circumstances but it will change you.

Watch the author explain the premise of her book in this video.

You can read an excerpt from the book here.

Laurie Short is a speaker, author, and associate pastor of Ocean Hills Covenant Church. She is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary, and the author of several youth ministry books. You can find out more about her and follow her blog at her web site.

Zondervan, 176 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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