Monday, August 25, 2014

Generous Justice by Timothy Keller

This is a challenging book. It is one every church congregation should read.

Keller suggests there is a current disconnect between the desire to do justice and how we actually live it out. The church has concentrated on the soul and salvation, forgetting the body. He shows us that God wants us to exercise justice. He then explains how it can be done.

He begins with passages from the Old Testament and how God saw to it that the vulnerable had rights. He explores business, government, care for the poor within the church, the difference between relief and development, defining justice and our own attitude toward helping the poor.

Here are just a few of the challenging concepts Keller writes about:
  • Jesus “is saying that we should spend far more of our money and wealth on the poor than we do on our own entertainment, or on vacations, or on eating out and socializing with important peers.” (47-48)
  • Our attitude towards the poor reveals our attitude toward Christ.
  • Anyone who has truly been touched by the grace of God will be vigorous in helping the poor.” (54)
  • If you insult the poor you insult God.” (185)

This is a spiritual issue, Keller says. If you are willing to be challenged about your attitude towards the needy, read this book. You'll find there are no excuses. We have experienced God's generosity and grace. We are now called to exercise a generous and gracious justice to others.

Timothy Keller started Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan in 1989. Now they have five thousand regular attendees as well as the members of hundreds of new churches around the world. He is the author of several books and lives in New York with his wife and family.

Dutton, 231 pages.

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