Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Be Rebellious by Megan Clinton

Clinton presents an important challenge to young women today. She wants young women to rebel against this sex oriented culture, against others defining who they are. “It's time for a new generation of women who think, act, and feel differently about life and the future.” (16)

Rebellion means to defy established traditions and norms. Clinton suggests that rebellion just might be the truest expression of being a fully committed Christ follower. This rebellion is against the lies of this culture and perhaps even against a particular church's culture.

This book is a great help in rethinking where women get their worth. It is not by what is seen in the mirror or on TV.

Clinton is quite open and honest about sex and its deceptive promises of happiness. She presents a great strategy for dating while honoring God. She offers wise advice for relationships and challenges her readers to make a difference in the world.

This is a powerful message to young women today. Clinton encourages each one to be unique, to be herself, to be a woman who stands up for what is good and right and holy. (182) Choose to let God define you, she says.

Clinton retells Bible stories to illustrate her principles. She has also included great stories of women who broke the world's mold, like Gabby Douglas and Katie Davis.

If you feel like you were made for something more, if you are ready to quit wasting your time trying to fit in and wasting your life on stuff that doesn't matter, read this book. You will be challenged and encouraged to rebel, to become the woman God wants you to be. I highly recommend it.

Food for thought: “God is looking for women who will commit themselves to Him and live free with no reserves, no retreats, and no regrets.” (179)

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Megan Clinton (now Megan Clinton Allison) graduated from Liberty University with a degree in Pre-Med/Biology and is currently attending Physician Assistant (PA) School at Jefferson College of Health Sciences. She is excited to be equipped as a PA to provide medical aid to those in need through international mission work. Find out more at

Worthy Publishing, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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