Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Stress Cure by Linda Evans Shepherd

We all experience stress at times. Perhaps you are one of the 39% of Americans who said their stress increased last year. How are you doing managing your stress?

Shepherd first defines stress so we know what we are dealing with. She reminds us that stress affects our spiritual well-being as well as physical and psychological.

The Holy Spirit is in us and we are to use the tools He provides, prayer and God's Word. Only the Holy Spirit can give us the supernatural peace of Christ.

Shepherd writes about feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, burdened, hopeless, offense, anxiety, negative, distracted, and depressed. Prayer begins the process and she provides many of them within each chapter. At the end of each chapter are prayers of yielding, forgiveness, healing, and exchange. She presents Scripture and encourages us to write down our thoughts and impressions.

An unusual feature in her book is the retelling of Bible stories through her own imagination. They are an encouragement to readers, realizing that those in the Bible experienced stress and found peace.

Here is just one of the many prayers in this book:
Dear Lord,
I invite you into my circumstances. Even when my way is filled with pain, I choose to trust in you. I choose joy. Trouble will give me the chance to grow and to endure, and even when I struggle, you are with me. You are my life preserver. In you I trust. Give me your strength to live in joy no matter what.
In Jesus's name, amen.

Shepherd encourages us to invite God into every area of our life. It will take time and practice, she writes, to develop the skill of yielding to the peace of God. Reading this book will certainly help you on your way.

You can find out more about this book and view the study guide questions at

Linda Evans Shepherd is the author of over thirty books. She is an internationally recognized speaker. She is the president of Right to the Heart Ministries, the CEO of AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association), and the publisher of the magazine Leading Hearts, found at She has been married to Paul for over thirty years and is the mother of two. Find out more at You can learn more about her speaking ministry at To learn more about all of her ministries, go to, her ministry website at, her suicide outreach at, and an invitation to know God at

Revell, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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