Monday, October 6, 2014

Buried Beneath the Words by Betel Arnold

We're taught as kids that sticks and stones can hurt us but words cannot. The truth is that words can hurt us deeply. And when we are young, we think that what we hear is the truth. No wonder we get buried beneath the words.

Arnold writes, “This little book describes what I have uncovered about the power of words and how they can shape our beliefs, and where to look for help when the weight of all those words becomes too heavy.” (9)

This is a personal account of how she accepted what was said about her when young and how she has rejected those lies now. For example, she was told she was stupid. Now she realizes she is a masterpiece of God's creation.

Key to her changing her perception is confession and she has a good section on it. Confession is more than just saying the words. We are encouraged to welcome God's help and are reminded we are to be God pleasers, not people pleasers.

Arnold includes a section on the impact of what we say to ourselves and to others. Being aware of the words in our minds is important. She also gives practical suggestions as to how to deal with hurtful words from others. She lists several confessions and ends the book with her own testimony.

This is not a scholarly book nor is it comprehensive. It is the work of a woman who has learned the impact of hurtful words and has overcome their influence. She reaches out to women bearing the weight of hurtful words and does it with empathy and compassion.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. You can read the reviews of other participants here.

Betel Arnold is a Certified Christian Life Coach, founder of Courage Under Fire Coaching and co-creator of Simply Talking, a local TV show that addresses issues from daily life as well as the deeper questions brought about by personal tragedies. Betel co-produces and co-hosts the show while working as an inspirational speaker. She is especially committed to helping women become all that God has called them to be. Betel is the proud mother of four children, is a stepmom, and resides with her loving husband in Western Mass. Learn more at

Number IV Media, 156 pages. You can purchase a copy here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through the Litfuse Publicity Group for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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