Sunday, October 5, 2014

Renewing Your Mind by Neil T. Anderson

This book is the fourth in a series of studies with the goal of helping Christians become more like Christ. Each book is aimed at addressing a hurdle Christians encounter in their spiritual walk. This study concentrates on tearing down mental strongholds, allowing Christ to rule in our hearts, being led by the Spirit, living under grace, and overcoming anger, depression and loss.

The book is divided into six sessions. Each session contains five chapters for daily study. Each daily study has a key point, a key verse, a little over a page of teaching, questions to answer, and a relevant quote from a church father. There are tips at the back of the book for group leaders.

The teaching sections in the book are well thought out, clear, and very practical. For each session, Anderson takes us through all that is necessary to renew our minds. He helps us to not just think about Scripture but to think scripturally, to see life from God's perspective.

One aspect of the study I especially appreciated and found very helpful was the teaching on the distinction between godly goals and godly desires. We may think we have a godly goal, but when its fulfillment depends on other people, it is really a godly desire, not a goal. I'm a goal maker and now I understand some of the frustration I have been feeling.

Anderson believes that many problems Christians have, such as some forms of mental depression, stem from false perceptions of yourself, your circumstances, and your future. These false perceptions can only be overcome as you are transformed by the renewing of your mind and by choosing to believe the truth. (152) This book will definitely help you identify the areas of false perceptions and give you the tools to move to biblical thinking. While this book can be used on a personal basis, I would suggest going through the book with a trusted friend or small group. The support of another would be very valuable in this process.

Working through this book, I think, will just be the beginning of the process of renewing your mind. As Anderson outlines near the end of the book, you have to be committed to this transforming process. If you are willing to work at renewing your mind, this study is a great resource. If you are a new Christian, you may want to go through studies one through three first. You can find out more about those books hereYou can see the contents of the book and read the first two chapters here.

Dr. Neil T. Anderson was formerly the chairman of the Practical Theology Department at Talbot School of Theology. In 1989, he founded Freedom in Christ Ministries, which now has staff and offices in various countries around the world. He is currently on the Freedom in Christ Ministries International Board, which overseas this global ministry. For more information, visit his website at

Bethany House (a division of Baker Publishing Group), 176 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this study from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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