Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Power of 100! by Shaun King

King wants to see people pursue life goals with reckless abandon. He has written this book to help us do that.

He encourages us to write 100 goals across seven key areas of life. He then presents a strategy to go after those hopes and dreams.

The seven key areas are: Generosity, Health and Fitness, Career and Finance, Spirit and Emotion, Travel, Friends and Family, Accomplishment and Experience. He includes a chapter on each of these areas to help us fine tune our goals. He is adamant that we cannot be successful in just one or two of these areas. Our life must be well balanced with success in all the seven areas. Why start with generosity? “A life grounded in generosity is a life well lived,” King writes.

He encourages us to make one outrageous goal for each area. He then suggests subgoals of easier attainment and shorter time span. The result is 100 goals. Knowing that writing goals is just the beginning, he offers a strategy to put fire under the goals and keep it going. He has some advice on making the goals stick and tips on overcoming adversity.

If you are looking for a plan to reset your life, this is a good book to read. He addresses all the issues that keep us from making the mental shift to living life on purpose. He looks at the fears we might have and the consequences of living in fear. He confronts the excuses of no money and no time.

One might think this is just another book on setting goals but the real force of this one is King's personal story. He was severely beaten in high school resulting in spinal operations. As a young married he was in a severe car accident. He lives daily with pain. But he does not let that stop him from achieving success.

Like any other motivational book, reading it is not enough. One has to actually do what the book suggests. King's own life story is a great motivation. Find out more about the book and King at

Shaun King is an award winning entrepreneur and humanitarian. He is a motivational speaker, full time author, and motivational coach. He has raised over $10 million for causes all over the world. He is married to his high school sweetheart and lives in Los Angeles.

Howard Books, 304 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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