Thursday, January 1, 2015

Our Children are Watching by Susan Ford Collins

This is the third book in The Technology of Success Series. See the end of this post for links to my review of the first two in the series.

Urging our children on is good, but Modeling them forward when obstacles occur is the greatest gift we can give them.” To help us do that, Collins gives us the ten skills parents need to encourage their children to grow into successful adults. She reminds us that parents are leaders. Children pay attention to our actions much more than our words. That is why it is so important for parents to model success.

Here are the skills:
Defining success, recognizing it, and feeling satisfied every day
Shifting success gears (following, competing, creating)
Hologramming (making dreams and plans more powerful)
Successful communication
Choosing and using the right experts
Changing old patterns, feelings, etc
Holding on to our outcome
Shielding our dreams
Switching back to positive
Maintaining health and balance

She ends with the ten responsibilities of a leader, reflections of the ten skills.

Collins shares more of her own story in this book than the other two. Because of that, I found this book to be more personable than the previous ones in the series. There is a little repetition in the series but there is enough new material in this book that it is certainly worth reading, even if the others have been read. There are lots of interesting stories included too that illustrate her principles.

I really liked Collins' suggestion to recognize the success of each day. What an encouragement. I also liked her insights into Brain Language. And her explanation of why kids do exactly what you've told them not to was enlightening. This is a good book for people who want to model success to their children.

Just a note to my regular blog readers. This is not a book written from a Christian perspective.

Read my review of The Joy of Success here and Success Has Gears here.

You can find out more at

Susan Ford Collins is the creator of The Technology of Success. She has facilitated over 3,000 training programs for businesses such as American Express, IBM, Ryder, and many more. She is an internationally known speaker, artist, potter, gardener and photographer.

The Technology of Success, 222 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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