Friday, August 28, 2015

The Choosing by Rachelle Dekker

I sometimes wonder when I hear of a novel written by the child of a famous author. No need to wonder on this one. The Choosing is an exceptionally well written novel.

It is over a hundred years in the future and society has changed immensely. Decades before, what was thought to be a great medical breakthrough had, in fact, set off a devastating plague. One man pulled the survivors together and began a new society based on words revealed to him. Now, a warped style of Christianity is used to govern the people.

One aspect of this society is the Choosing. Young teens are groomed for marriage. At a gala celebration, young men choose their brides. Those not chosen are taken across the river to work in production facilities. Such was the fate of Carrington Hale. Before long, however, she becomes embroiled in a situation that might very well lead to her death.

I have read several teen dystopian novels and I think this is my favorite so far. There is so much in this novel to think about and discuss. It would be a good choice for a teen reading group. (Good discussion questions are included.) The spirituality in this futuristic society is such that salvation must be earned. The result is that people blindly follow those in authority over them.

Yet there are some who want to rebel. There is a prophetic voice in this novel who encourages those willing to listen to believe the truth about God. The price is that they may die for their faith. Carrington is caught between wanting to seek the truth and wanting to follow the rules of society – just like many teens today.

This novel has well developed characters and lots of drama. It thoroughly kept my interest throughout. Add a little mystery with a serial killer and a forbidden romance and you have a great novel. I highly recommend it to older teens. (There is a little violence unsuitable for younger teens.).

Rachelle Dekker is the oldest daughter of bestselling author Ted Dekker. She and her husband live in Nashville, Tennessee. You can find out more at

Tyndale Fiction, 449 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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