Saturday, August 29, 2015

This Means War by Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick, Troy Schmidt

Being a young Christian teen in this culture can be difficult. Prayer is essential but how to go about it may be frustrating.

The producers of the new movie War Room have created a prayer journal just for young teens. I really like it. It has great graphics and provides tons of room to write. And to get young teens into the habit of journaling their prayers, there are short devotions and thought provoking questions.

The journal begins with the basics of the Christian life. It includes the importance of the privilege of communicating with God. The enemy is explained as is the war we are in. There is a section on the nature of prayer, that it takes time and discipline to get going, the kinds of things we pray about, the character of God, and what it means to be saved. Another section covers the weapons of a prayer warrior, such as Scripture and praise. There is even “advanced” training on prayer including issues like knowing God's will, waiting for God's answer, and how to pray strategically with focus. At the end of each chapter is Go To War, with suggestions for specific prayer.

I liked this journal, a combination of teaching on prayer and ample space for young teens to write their thoughts. Good questions are included to stimulate thinking about prayer. I like the lessons on being sincere and succinct, perhaps identifying some of the bad prayer habits they may have seen in adults. I like going through the Lord's Prayer as a model.

The format and graphics of the book revolve around going to war and being a soldier in it. I tend to think this book would appeal more to guys than gals. It is a good tool to help young teens, about middle school age, develop a strategic prayer life and get in the habit of journaling their prayers.

Stephen Kendrick is a speaker, screenwriter, and producer. He coauthored the  New York Times bestsellers The Love Dare and The Resolution for Men. He also serves on the board of the Fatherhood CoMission. He and his wife have six children.
Alex Kendrick is a screenwriter, actor, and movie director. He is a featured conference speaker and coauthored The Love Dare and The Resolution for Men. He and his wife have six children.
You can find out more about the Kendrick brothers and their work at
Troy Schmidt is a writer and video producer who has had assignments with Disney, Nickelodeon, and Max Lucado's Hermie franchise. He is currently the lead writer for The American Bible Challenge hosted by Jeff Foxworthy. He and his wife have three sons. You can find out more at

B&H Publishing, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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