Saturday, October 10, 2015

Each Shining Hour by Jeff High

I thoroughly enjoyed this second novel in the Watervalley series. Dr. Luke Bradford has settled in and decided to stay and fulfill the three year contract with the Tennessee community. In this novel he has a mystery to solve and a beautiful woman to date.

The mystery is from decades ago. Oscar Fox had come to Watervalley and opened a bakery. He was involved in the murder of a German and was himself killed. The town people thought Oscar an infamous man. Luke found Fox's medical file in the old records of the clinic. He pursues the mystery. We readers discover, along with Luke, the truth behind who Oscar was and the real man he had been.

It's the characters that make the story. Connie's sister, Estelle, has come to Watervalley. What a set of sisters those two are. Their relationship is a kick. And can they dance! Then there is John. He's finally reconciled with the people of Watervalley. It was fun to watch him change, to see the hurts heal and his heart open up again. And how about that Sunshine with her colon cleanse!

Then again, maybe it's the dialog. High has a way with words. He is able to reveal the personalities of characters in his book through snappy dialog. I love it.

Life goes on in Watervalley. There are some slimy characters and some good ones. There is some cussin' and drinkin' and some going to church and some forgiving. Just like a small Tennessee town.

You can find out more about the books and the community at

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Jeff High grew up in rural Tennessee. He has degrees in literature and nursing and is a three time published winner, in poetry and fiction. He now lives in his hometown, near where he works as an operating room RN in cardiac surgery.

NAL, 432 pages.

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