Saturday, October 10, 2015

How to Prepare for Old Age by Bernard Otis

We Boomers are getting older. Otis wants us to do so truly living life. With right planning and a good attitude, he writes, we can make our latter years some of our best. His book is written with a sense of humor yet contains valuable and practical information. It is truly an encouragement to not give up but live life to its very end.

This book is a joy to read. Otis has a quirky sense of humor. Just when the subject matter is getting serious, he inserts a few groaners to help make the material more enjoyable.

But the meat of the book is the great advice Otis has for us. Some of that advice is practical. He writes about the dangers of falling and includes good tips to prevent it. He writes about the necessity of a Legal Advanced Health Care Directive, how to evaluate care facilities and potential care givers, the importance of understanding the meaning of your life, the essential nature of belief in God, and much more.

Woven through the humor and the practical advice is evidence of Otis' heart. He wants us to have the right attitude for truly living life. He emphasizes choice. We can choose to really live. He suggests helping others and allowing others to help us. He advises going barefoot more often, watching more sunsets, trying new things, staying curious and learning something new, and much more. He reminds us that people who convince themselves they can't – won't.

He tells loads of stories. One that struck me was his going to a friend's 101 year birthday party. His friend had to use a walker, had trouble hearing and seeing, yet was the life of the party. He was the life of every party he'd been to, Otis writes. What an example of not letting physical disabilities get in the way of living life to its fullest.

This is not just a book for the elderly. Otis has included great tips for care givers and those visiting the sick, such as what to say and not say. He also has great information for younger readers, especially those anticipating caring for elderly loved ones.

Otis is somewhat of an authority on the subject of aging. He's eighty five, in pain from a previous surgery gone wrong, and thoroughly living life. He lost his loving wife a couple of years ago yet has a positive attitude. He's in an assisted care facility yet uses the experience to interact with people and learn. He is a good example of really living life no matter one's age or physical condition. As Otis notes near the end of his book, “It is never too early to plan your life's journey. It is never too late to live it.” (188)

A little warning to my regular blog readers. Otis is of the Jewish faith. Belief in God is important to him but there is no mention of Jesus. Also, much of Otis' humor is sexual in nature. While there was nothing seriously offensive, I did get tired of the subject of his jokes.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Bernard Otis had a successful career in Food Service Facility Planning, Marketing, Management and Sales. He has worked with major corporations and hotels. He is an active speaker, writer, and community leader. He is a trained hospice care giver and is a consultant to Lifeline Companion Services. He currently lives in an assisted living facility in West Hills, California. You can follow his blog at

Incorgnito Publishing Press, 194 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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