Saturday, November 14, 2015

Claiming Your Inheritance by Cherrie Kaylor

I've read books that recommend keeping a spiritual journal but this is the first time I have read the inspiring suggestion to keep a Scripture book.

Kaylor proposes that we feast on the revelation found in the Word. Bible study and memorization are not enough. When a Scripture comes alive to us, when we receive insight and personal revelation, we record it in our Scripture book. She suggests we categorize the Scriptures in a way that relates to our world. We can then use the Scripture books we have created to pray the Word for someone or give them a specific verse, for exhortation and blessing, for teaching and preaching, and for our own growth.

She reminds us that there are various signals passing by us every moment. Just like a radio tuned properly will pick up the signals, we can tune ourselves so that we can receive revelation from God. We must have our ears open to God and His conversation. Our minds must be renewed so we can take in the fullness of the wisdom and understanding God has for us. This will take effort on our part as she writes, “There is no shortcut in experiencing God.” (56)

I really like this book. I like that Kaylor has made the foundation of our growth and ministry the Word of God. We will see Christ formed in us as more of the Word is absorbed in us. I like that she says we will become an extension of the living Word of God to others. We will see God use us as we share His Word. I like that she reminds us all of this is done for God's glory.

Kaylor's book is an inspiration to experience revelation from God through His Word. Creating the Scripture books is a spiritual growth journey in itself. The books can then be used later for ministry. Of creating the books, she writes, “The fruit is in the journey, not in the destination.” (58) She reminds us to love the journey of discovering God's treasures.

I recommend this book to those who are willing to put forth the effort to hear God speak through His Word. Turn off the TV and shut down the cell phone. Grab a notebook, pen, and Bible. As Kaylor writes, “ will never be the same...” (14)

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Cherrie Kaylor has been in international and pastoral ministry for over 40 years, entering ministry at the age of 17. She is a certified life and executive coach and founder of Rivergate Family Counseling Resource Center. She has also been a model and winner in national beauty pageants. Her passion for transformation lead to the creation of Hope Makes a Difference, an international humanitarian ministry. She is a team leader and adviser for Global Awakening. You can find out more at

Destiny Image, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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