Friday, November 13, 2015

Prayer Quotes by Kevin W. Shorter

This book contains lots of quotes about prayer, centered around topics. Some topics deal with why we should pray, the role of prayer, and the benefits of prayer. Shorter also includes quotes about the roles of the Persons of the Trinity in prayer.

The quotes come from a variety of people. Some are contemporary Christian authors, like Max Lucado and Bill Johnson. Some are people noted in history, such as Blaise Pascal and Martin Luther. There are many people quoted that I have never heard of.

Shorter has included several articles at the end of the collection of quotes. The articles are very helpful to anyone wanting encouragement in their prayer life. He has tips to a better prayer life, ways to find God, and ways to effectively pray for others. He has also included great prayer lists, with suggestions in praying for your husband, wife, kids, marriage, and pastor.

This is not the kind of book one would read cover to cover. One could look at the subject headings at the beginning of the book and find quotes in the area of interest. I did not find the quotes as inspiring as the articles by the author.

You can watch a video about the book here.
You can find his prayer quotes on Pinterest.
You can find out about Shorter's ministry to teenage orphan girls in Asia, called Josiah's Covenant, hereYou can watch a video about Josiah's Farm here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.
Kevin W. Shorter is from Raleigh, NC. He came to Jesus in high school. He is a former member of Campus Crusade for Christ serving at the University of Florida and internationally in the Middle East. He is the founder of Shorter SEO, a marketing consulting agency. He holds an MBA from Wake Forest University. He lives in China with his wife and their two daughters. You can find out more and read his blog at and follow him on Twitter at @Prayer_Coach.

Kevin Shorter, 349 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author for the purpose of an independent and honest review. 

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