Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Faithing It by Cora Jakes Coleman

This is an encouraging book! Coleman is on fire with faith and wants us to be too. She wants us to learn how to develop our faith and go after obstacles by “faithing it.”

She knows what she is writing about. She was molested as a young girl. She realized then that life would never be easy. She was diagnosed with infertility when all her life she told God all she wanted was to be a mommy. (She did marry and adopt.)

She reminds us that God is developing His purpose through our trials. We have been designed by God to persevere. We have been designed for trials because we need them to get to the promise. We must be willing to go through the process to receive what God has for us.

Coleman uses biblical stories and her own experiences to support her teaching. She's tough. She says we cannot wait for others to support us. The only One we can count on for support is God. She calls us to stop complaining and say what God says is true. She tells us that we will have to be willing to work hard. We must submit to God – sometimes He may say no for various reasons.

This is a great book for people facing challenges they think they may not survive. It contains great encouragement for making it through the storm. She believes God has greatness in store for each one of us and He will not forget us. Even though Coleman encourages us to confess certain truths, this is not a name-it-and-claim-it kind of work. She is very realistic in her teaching. In fact, one of her challenges for her readers is to not be arrogant. She includes great prayers at the end of each chapter.

There is a section at the end for group leaders so this book could be used in a classroom or small group setting.

Food for thought: “We must believe that God is better at living our lives and controlling our lives than we are.” (117)
Don't ask God for something big and think you will have little storms.” (202)

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Cora Jakes Coleman is the daughter of T. D. Jakes and his wife. She is the Executive Director of Destiny World Children's Ministry at The Potter's House of Dallas. This is her first book. You can find out more at www.corajakescoleman.com.

Destiny Image, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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