Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Mississippi Nights by D. M. Webb

This novel about family, alcoholism, and forgiveness riled my emotions. Sometimes I wanted tough love and at other times I was amazed at the unconditional love shown.

The novel centers on two brothers. A few years ago, Jeremy, a policeman, was unable to save the fiance of his younger brother, David, as she perished in a serious automobile accident. There has been a rift between the two ever since. Now David has returned to their small town after having been three years in the big city. A fireman, he gets a position on the town's department but in a lower position. He's keeping quiet about the problem he brings back with him. When he falls for Maggie, his present life collides with his past and the demons that haunt him now.

As I was reading this novel, there were times when I wanted to warn Maggie. Is David worth it? But she loved him unconditionally and that proved the right thing to do in the end. There were times when I yelled at the brothers to just get along, but their hurts went very deep.

This is a great novel about sibling love and the perseverance of one to see the other healed. It is a story that involves the entire family in intervention and prayer. I did miss a more professional approach to alcoholism. I'm not so sure that a pastor really knows how to help someone with the condition. It was certainly a battle and the author really takes us into the mind of the alcoholic.

There is lots of action in the novel and I think men would like it. Jeremy and David fight many times, literally taking fists to each other. Also, David has some serious fires to fight, including people trapped in a building. And just when I thought the action was winding down, there is one more exciting event near the end.

I do recommend this book as a good one showing the perseverance of love in helping another heal. The novel portrays well the difference between token Christianity and really relying on God.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

D. M. Webb is the pseudonym of Daphne Self, the author of several books. She and her sons live in Mississippi.

Ambassador International, 384 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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