Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Breaking Busy by Alli Worthington

We love to be busy. It is intoxicating, making us feel we are important. But what if we are so busy we are missing God's best for us?

Worthington writes about her own experience when she and her husband realized they were too busy. They were doing good things, things people needed help with. She also realized they had exceeded their capacity limit.

She helps us identify the signs of being crazy busy, such as out-of-control emotions and lack of self-care. She helps us understand and embrace our limits and what life looks like when we are where God designed us to be. She shares the importance of a relationship with God and how to cultivate it. She helps us develop a life centered on our passions and gifts.

Worthington has great insights into how God directs our lives. She gives good strategies for dealing with breaking that being busy habit, such as overcoming negative thoughts. She includes great ideas for setting boundaries on our time and for making good decisions. I was surprised but pleased that she gives us permission to disappoint people. She also explores good, clear, and honest communication and has lots of good ideas to develop it. The teaching I appreciated most was how to deal with low self-esteem or worth when those are based on our being busy.

I really appreciate Worthington's book. Hers is not a wonderful success story of having it all together. She shares her struggles with anxiety and wrong thinking. She shares lessons learned, like being busy or trying to keep up with the Jones will never bring us the peace we can only find in our relationship with God. (45)

No matter where you are on the road of breaking busy, this is a good book to read. You'll be confronted with the signs of being too busy and you'll have suggestions as to how to deal with it. She gives you the good news that you do not have to live in the world of crazy busy. There is hope and reading this book will get you on the way to that sweet spot of living the life God designed.

Food for thought: “Staying connected to God is what keeps me operating within my capacity and what helps me understand that God made me with limitations on purpose.” (32)

You can read an excerpt here.
You can go here to find out more about the book and follow Worthington's blog.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Alli Worthington is an author, speaker, blogger, and Executive Director of Propel Women, an organization that empowers female leaders. She co-founded BlossDom Events and has helped individuals, small business owners, and Fortune 500 companies to be more successful. She has appeared on TODAY and Good Morning America. She and her husband have five sons and live outside of Nashville. Find out more at

Zondervan, 220 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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