Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Be The Miracle by Delores Liesner

This little book is full of encouragement. Liesner assures us that God is still doing miracles today. She's got lots of stories to prove it.

These stories are great. They show the importance of faith and listening to God's nudging. Some of them are when Liesner is herself the one who blessed someone else. Other stories are when someone blessed her. My favorite story was the one where her daughter said she needed cupcakes for her class today – as she is walking off to school. Liesner got ready to bake the cupcakes but there were no eggs. There was no money to buy eggs so she prayed and acted in faith. She mixed the ingredients (minus the eggs), turned on the oven, and readied the pans. Just then there was a noise on her porch. When she went to the door, there were two dozen eggs and not a person in sight. (She found out later that day who left the eggs and why.)

All of her stories are great. Some of her experiences were even life saving in nature. They are excellent examples of the importance of listening to God's prompts. She shares the lessons she has learned from her experiences too. She knows God is aware of our needs before we even present them, already preparing the answer. To help us readers have the same kind of learning experiences, Liesner has added a Life-Changing Lesson, a Life-Changing Verse, and a Life-Changing Challenge at the end of each story.

God is looking for people to be His hands and feet today, Liesner writes, to submit totally to His will. She suggests we pay attention to own lives, journaling our experiences, seeing God at work. She has a good last chapter that identifies what stops us from sharing in the miracle experiences.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to have a lifestyle of trusting obedience. You'll be encouraged by this book.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Delores Liesner lives passionately and humorously as God's delivery girl. She has published hundreds of stories, devotionals, and articles. She writes from Racine, WI. You can find out more at

Elk Lake Publishing, 170 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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