Thursday, January 28, 2016

Bronner by Sherri Burgess

Bronner went to heaven on January 19, 2008. He was two and a half. Burgess shares her own journey of wrestling with God and coming to a place of faith and comfort.

What an inspiring book. I can't begin to imagine the struggle that Burgess experienced. The lessons she has learned and the spiritual maturity she now evidences is amazing. She now realizes that God's plans for her children are not the same as her plans. Her children did not belong to her. They had been created for God's purposes. She and her husband came to see how God had prepared them for this experience. She writes that God took her by the hand and did not let go for one second.

Burgess shares her confusion in trying to understand what God was doing. She came to understand that God was doing a work in Bronner's dying that could be done no other way. She tells of the amazing ministry that happened in the ensuing years.

I am really impressed with this personal yet very biblically oriented story of her coming to understand the meaning of pain and suffering. “[God] loves us,” she writes. “He loves us enough to rip our hearts right out of this world and place them in heaven, where He is...” She now understands, “Everything in this life is preparing us for eternal life...”

I recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with loss and trying to understand the plan of God. Burgess is very honest in her own struggles and those of her family. It was not an easy journey. She started this book the year after Bronner died. She had to put it away until just recently. There was much she had to live through and understand before she could finish the book.

My rating: 5/5.

Sherri Burgess is the wife of Rick Burgess of The Rick and Bubba Show, a nationally syndicated talk radio show. A seasoned Bible teacher, writer and blogger, she has recently answered God's call as a women's ministry speaker. She and her family live in Birmingham, Alabama. You can follow her blog at You can find out more about Sherri and Rick and their ministry at You can find out more about The Rick and Bubba Show at

New Hope Publishers, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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