Thursday, January 28, 2016

Your Story Matters by Emra Smith

Do you think your story is important? Smith says it is. Your story matters because you matter to God. She encourages you to write your story and has great suggestions as how to do it. She also includes advice as to when.

Smith shares her own story, giving a great example of how one's story can be told. Her mother had left when she was a toddler and then returned three years later to snatch her away. She was converted at seventeen then later left college to marry. She supported her husband at the expense of her own dreams. They had two children, one of whom has a genetic disorder.

She had her own internal pain she never dealt with and ended up looking to another man, finding solace in an affair. That was followed by a divorce, depression, leaving her church, and remarriage. She finally began to heal. Today God fills her soul and she is no longer trying to fill a void.

She gradually came to realize her mission: “Share with everyone the incredibly, extravagant generosity of God.” (17) She expresses her purpose as facilitating women telling their stories. She offers services, like coaching, to that end.

This is an encouraging book. Each of us has big stories and little stories to tell. Smith wants us to be aware of the ordinary moments in our lives and what we learn from them. She shares several lessons she has learned to show us how we communicate them.

I recommend this short book to those who have thought about writing their own story but are still unsure about doing so. This book will give you the encouragement you need and some good ideas on how to accomplish the task.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Emra Smith is a Certified Life Coach and New Life Story Wellness Coach. She owns her own training, speaking, and coaching business. You can find out more at

Our Written Lives of Hope, 76 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through BookCrash for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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