Saturday, January 9, 2016

Sassy Pants Learns About Strange Creatures by Carol A. Brown

Sassy Pants is a little pig who loves to dig and eat on the farm where she lives. She'd been the runt of the litter and taken into the farm house for a while. “For a long time Sassy Pants thought she was a people. Not a pig. And that's what started all the trouble.” (16) She is always getting into situations where she has to learn lessons the hard way.

In this adventure, Sassy Pants meets some pretty strange animals. First is a llama, the giant-critter-spitter. Next is stinky Winchester, an English Bull Dog with a wooden leg and a smashed in nose. The last strange animal is a dangerous one, a bobcat.

Readers learn lessons right along with the animals in the book. The llama learns he has to let go of a bad experience in his past. Winchester shares how he learned rules are there for our protection. Sassy Pants learns about consequences and the difference between different strange and dangerous strange when a bobcat invades the farm.

This is a cute book that helps children learn a number of lessons through the actions of the animals. There are not as many illustrations as I had expected so parents might have a little trouble keeping toddlers attentive to the story. The few illustrations that are included are delightful. I do recommend it for children who are reading chapter books.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Carol A. Brown grew up on a farm. She taught elementary school, college, and graduate level courses. Now she writes books that teach vital truths to adults and children. Find out more at and
Nada Serafimovic has a master's degree in book design and illustration. You can see more of her art here.

Summers Island Press, 78 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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