Sunday, January 10, 2016

Thin Ice by Irene Hannon

Hannon has given us another good Christian romance with a good dose of suspense.

As the novel opens, Christy has the impression she must visit her sister earlier than planned. But as she approaches her house, she sees it in flames. Her sister is not rescued and Christy has to plan a memorial service. Her second one in recent time as her parents had been killed in an automobile accident just a few months ago.

Christy is dealing with her grief when she has a shock. A letter arrives with the address written in her sister's handwriting. Is her sister alive after all? She contacts the FBI and the handsome Lance catches his first case since joining the organization.

The novel follows a plot one might well expect. There is an attraction between Christy and Lance as the case is pursued. Unlike many romance novels, no insurmountable obstacle must be overcome for the romance to continue. That part of the novel is pretty smooth.

There is a good amount of suspense at the end but I don't like that it resulted from Christy making an unwise move. I like suspense better when the heroine does everything right and the villain outsmarts her.

The best part of the novel is the spiritual aspect. Lance had a tough experience while in the Army and is not on the best terms with God. It was good to see that worked out in the plot.

The character development is a little flat. Christy starts out stronger in the face of the family deaths than I would have anticipated. That left little room for her to mature. I was also a little disappointed that Lance didn't do a better job of reigning in his show of affection for Christy as the novel nears the end.

Nonetheless, I enjoyed the novel.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Irene Hannon is the bestselling and award wining author of over 35 novels. She and her husband live in Missouri.

Revell, 400 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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