Saturday, March 26, 2016

5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn't Quit by Nicki Koziarz

This is a good book to read if you need a boost to persevere. Maybe there is a tough job project or you need to lose weight. Koziarz has gleaned five habits from the book of Ruth that will encourage you to persevere.

This is not a book about productivity. You won't find any techniques to help you prioritize or meet your goals. This book it about your attitudes. You are given five attitudes to have if you are going to persevere and not quit.

I'll give a couple so you can see the idea of the book. The first attitude is that you must be willing to be refined by God. God may very well mix things up in your life so that you can grow through it. It may mean adversity or some other tough experience. Koziarz encourages you to embrace the process. It is what God uses to remove impurities and improve your character.

Another habit is staying open to the movement of God. Your day (or your life) may not be going the way you had planned. Maintaining this habit means having attitudes of humility and surrender.

Koziarz tells lots of stories about her own experiences to illustrate the five habit areas. The book is very readable with bits if humor to lighten up the serious topics. At the end of each chapter are quotes to remember and challenging questions.

This is a soul searching book to see if you have the attitudes that make for a woman who perseveres. If you identify yourself as a “quitter,” you will find some encouragement to evaluate your attitudes and change them. I would have liked to see more practical steps and suggestions as to how one's attitudes can be changed. At the end of the book I understood what attitudes I should have but was lacking a plan to get them incorporated into my life. There is additional material available – videos and study books. I would think working through this book in a group setting would be much better than trying to do it solo.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Nicki Koziarz is an author and speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries. She and her husband own a fixer upper farm just outside Charlotte, North Carolina. You can find out more at

B & H Books, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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